Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Coaching with Hal Kraft

Hal Kraft, former director of the Keystone Capital Chorus, Mid-Atlantic district and seniors quartet champion and singing coach extraordinaire, spent an evening helping the chorus prepare for our annual Flag Day performance. Emotional expression and vowel production were his key topics of instruction. He also worked on vocal preparation for That Old Quartet of Mine and Darkness on the Delta in anticipation of this coming Tuesday's rehearsal with presentation coach Gary Plaag.

Gary is a member of the Alexandria Harmonizers and is also a a coach and instructor active within the Barbershop Harmony Society. We're looking forward a great evening with Gary and strongly encourage all members to attend this first presentation coaching session we've had in many years.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Coaching and Guest Directors

We had a very productive coaching session last night with guest director Glenn Phillips. Glenn worked with us on getting a taller sound and The results were impressive. We'll put this all to good use at our Flag Day performance this year.

Last night also brought a special treat in the form of the PDQ Quartet, who stopped by to sings a few songs for us between gigs. They are the hardest working quartet in show business.